Our Approach is Different

Unrivaled Personal Service

When you partner with City Publications of the Hudson Valley, you will work directly with the Owner, Andy Pinto, who will help you grow your business via the planning and execution of customized marketing and growth campaigns that generate high-quality leads.

Andy will guide you every step of the way with the most exceptional personal service in the direct mail marketing industry.

Our level of customization and personal service set us apart from other direct mail providers, especially those you will find on the internet, but also the big agencies and mail houses you'll encounter in your local market.

The Best Lists Money Can Buy

Any direct mail campaign is only as good as the mailing list it uses.

Our immediate online access to thousands of data combinations, at one of the largest data companies in the country, allows us to quickly develop custom lists tailored to effectively delivering your message to your ideal customers.

While access to a broad range of excellent data is key, it is equally important to know how to apply and compile that data into an effective list.

At City Publications of the Hudson Valley, we have a great deal of experience doing just that. We’ve created effective lists for hundreds of successful direct mail campaigns serving diverse industries, especially the home improvement, retail, and restaurant sectors.  And we can do that for your company too!



The Right Program at the Right Price

We offer a number of proven direct mail programs with various levels of customization and pricing to help you reach your ideal customer within your ideal budget. Our direct mail campaigns generally fall into two categories: shared mail and solo mail. While most direct mail companies only offer one or the other, we create and implement many different types of shared and solo mail campaigns for our clients.


Shared Mail Campaigns

Shared mail is a direct mail program in which multiple businesses share the cost of mailing by combining their ads into one package. At City Publications of the Hudson Valley, we are shared mail experts and our Co-Op Card Deck is by far the most popular program we offer.

Shared mail is very cost-effective – typically 1/3 the cost of other direct mail options, and our Co-Op Card Deck is highly targeted and tailored to arrive at the most affluent, active consumers/homeowners in the greater of the Hudson Valley area.

The Benefits of Shared Mail Campaigns

Typically 1/3 or less the cost of other direct mail options.

Excellent market coverage 
Because the printing and postage costs are shared by many businesses, your company’s advertisement can be seen by as many as 20 times more prospects than other direct mail options.

High visibility and high readership 
The distinctive size, shape, and attractive design of a shared mail piece is unlike any other piece of mail a consumer will receive that day—it can’t be missed.

Precision targeting 
We target your ideal customer using exact location, demographics, and specific interests. Learn more about our custom targeting.

All-inclusive pricing 
Our shared mail programs have one price for design, printing, postage, and delivery. There will be no surprises as the campaign develops!

Solo Mail Campaigns

Solo direct mail is a stand-alone piece of advertising built solely for your business. Rather than arriving in a pack with other businesses, your advertisement will be designed as a traditional direct mail postcard delivered directly to your mailing list.

The Benefits of Solo Mail Campaigns

You are the only business featured on both sides of your full-color, two-sided mail piece.

Solo mail pieces can be designed in many different sizes and looks. You have the freedom to showcase as many (or few) images, products, and services as you need in a single mailing.

Read at a glance 
A well-designed solo mail piece can be easily understood by the recipient in just a few seconds.

Precision targeting 
Like our shared mail program, we have access to create custom lists based on location, demographics, and specific interests. Learn more about our custom targeting to reach your ideal customer.

All-inclusive pricing 
Our solo mail programs have one price for design, printing, postage, and delivery. No bait and switch. No surprises!

Take a Fresh Look at Direct Mail for Your Business

Get Personalized Service From Your Local Direct Mail Expert

Andy Pinto 845-745-0602

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