Meet the Owner

Michael Mattei is a results-oriented entrepreneur with a broad business background who has helped fuel the growth of many of Oakland-Macomb's finest businesses.


Michael Mattei
Owner / Publisher


I was born in Macomb County, Michigan back in the mid-80’s to a large loving family where I joined my 3 brothers and 2 sisters in an already crowded home. Apparently, 6 kids is where my parents decided to draw the line! Me? I prefer 2 children. Having so many people in the house looking out for me was a blessing. It was the support and unconditional faith in me that has made me into the person that I am today.

Growing up my passions were just like most boys in their younger years. I loved soccer, baseball, cars, and spending time with my friends and family. Soccer was always at the top of my priority list starting at the age of 4 and I have continued playing to this day. After high school, I went to Oakland University where I majored in Human Resource Development and partying. During my time in college, I was largely involved in social groups around campus holding several leadership positions during my time at OU.

After college, maturity started to set in, it became apparent that I would need to start my professional career and end my exceptional time in college. I found a Human Resources position at a digital content creation, marketing, and advertising company that launched my career. After spending over a decade and several different companies in HR and advertising I decided that it was time to end that chapter of my life. A new chapter is starting now in the form of City Publications because it offered me the best opportunity to grow professionally, provide for my family, and to finally be my own boss. City Publications has made it easy by providing amazing flexibility, support, planning, and structure for me to succeed.

Currently, I live in the Macomb area with my beautiful family where we are trying to leave our mark. Our two children are growing up so fast and we want to instill in them that the world is full of opportunities for those willing to put in the work. Being a parent has been the most challenging but most rewarding experience of my life. My brother once shared with me that “Kids will take years off your life. But they put life to your years”. It is now my job to make those years and every moment amazing and positive not just for my family and myself, but for all those that I interact with daily.

That next chapter is just beginning…


Grow Your Business


Direct Mail & Marketing Programs

Shared Mail
Co-op Card Pack and
New Homeowners Mailer


Solo Mail
Enhanced Solo Mailer, Power Card
and Custom Solo Mailer


Digital Marketing
Tailored packages designed
to empower your brand


TV & Billboards
Stay top-of-mind and
make a big impression

Grow Your Local Business With Direct Mail

Contact Your Local Direct Mail Expert Today!

Michael Mattei 248-761-2262 Book a Meeting

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